Sunday, April 29, 2012

Grave Trouble from Invited Enemies

From a variety of angles, America is under attack.

Recently, economic freedoms have come under siege as debt levels explode and bailouts practically become rule of law. 

Religious freedoms are also under attack, and these attacks not only come from delusional foreign governments like Iran, but from our own government. In fact, the news reports of this Sunday offer evidence.

Certainly, however, foremost in the mind of most Americans would be the attack on 9-11 and the global war on terror. Contrary to the opinion of the Obama administration, this war is far from over.

In fact, America remains under attack from enemies foreign, and domestic.

Regrettably, evidence of these attacks from within have been present during both the Bush and Obama administrations, exploding under Obama, causing grave concerns.

Generally, I supported George W. Bush. There were three main issues I had with his two terms; excessive spending beyond the necessary war expenditures, abandoning the free market system to save the free market system and the lack of adequate attention to our southern border. I never quite got the aggressive assault on Compean and Ramos. It was a tough spot, and easy to armchair quarterback now, but I think Bush gave far to much to American Islamic groups who portrayed themselves a merchants for peace when the seemingly obviously had ulterior objectives. In doing so, the prosecution of the wars became victim of political correctness, rather than simply kicking their ass and winning.

While the Obama administration deserves kudos for killing Osama Bin Laden and the aggressive use of the drone program, Obama has been horrendous in dealing with the global war on terror, the borders and has welcomed infiltration of militant Islamic groups, inclusive of the Muslim Brotherhood, who are entangled with many of our opponents.

Glenn Beck has put together a documentary chronicling the extreme seriousness of how enemies of our country are being invited to infiltrate our government. Leave your political persuasion at the door, as both parties have extensive issues in this regard. The video shows how we are in the fight of our lifetimes, and time is of the extreme essence.


For other video documentaires, please visit

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