Beyond member governments engaged in socialism spending beyond their means and expanding entitlements beyond economic logic, what is traveling to the ash heap of history is their loss of their member sovereignty. Central planners never want a crisis, and we sure do have one, to go to waste.
While economic moves considered sound to establish stability and save the Euro may sound reasonable, unfortunately they likely mask the bold ambitions of the technocrats to slow creep control over the member states and their citizens.

Who the hell do you think you are? Farage queried the EU administrators as they responded to collapsing member nations that it would be inappropriate for them to hold elections until their budgets were agreed upon. Democracy destroyed.
Sound far fetched? Last Thursday, CNBC reported that Ex-ECB Chief Jean-Claude Trichet unveiled a bold plan to save the Euro. Would yet another new plan present a blueprint for an escape of the wide ranging spiral the Euro is involved in or would such a plan steal more Democracy from the member citizenry?
The first paragraph of the story is alarmingly informative. Please read:
Europe could strengthen its monetary union by giving European politicians the power to declare a sovereign state bankrupt and take over its fiscal policy, the former head of the European Central Bank said on Thursday in unveiling a bold proposal to salvage the euro.
For the governing body, seizing this amount of authority would be similar to taking a country over without firing a shot.
As Farrage asked, who do these people think they are? Free market capitalism, the best path to prosperity, is not free to work for member nations under this type of smothering control. Under the Euro, wealth has been destroyed under massive spending and entitlement programs, and the technocratic banker is in charge and has members under his thumb.
It would be hard to imagine that the central planners, given the history of their efforts, are foolish enough to think it will work this time. The alternative, and the truth, is that the technocrats are aspiring to gain further control and are knowingly crashing the system.
Here in America, the same types of planners are now in charge, implementing the Cloward and Piven strategy. Decisions that seem irrational to most, are part of the plan to steal and transform wealth, establishing a governmental control over the citizenry. While Europe may be beyond salvage, America has time to right the ship, although time is running dangerously short.
Freeing member nations from excessive taxation and regulation and having to adhere to budgetary control and allowing the pursuit of their own prosperity is the answer. Those who continue to implement a socialistic policy of a cradle to grave nanny state will ultimately fail. Countries who embrace freedom, both for individuals and markets, will prosper.
Alarm bells are appropriately ringing everywhere. This is not the time to turn to technocratic regulators, like Jean-Cluade Trichet, who claim to have a plan.
This is the time to seek freedom and embrace capitalism. It is that simple.
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