Thursday, September 13, 2012

Talk Is Cheap

When I hear President Obama speak these days, I think of Baghdad Bob. I don't think I can recall someone running off at the mouth spewing fictionary tales quite like Obama. I guess he must, because outside of the Obamabots and the news media, no one else is.

Given the train wreck of his term, what serious person could?

Well, Obama can't either. In fact, his current campaign speeches, outside of a borrowed quote from Jimmy Carter here and there, are the same one he made in 2008, minus the soaring rhetoric and crowds.

Review the evidence below:

The initiatives put forth by Obama have failed miserably to produce results. Moving forward, Obama has revealed no plan to put forth, and if Obama were to speak candidly about the objectives of a second term, he would lose 48 states.

Given the internal polls, he might anyway.

I hope Americans will do their homework and look beyond the network news, which has essentially lost all credibility. A real look into Obama will show empty chair, reading a teleprompter in fine fashion while our economy, standard of living and foreign policy spiral into the abyss.

Talk is cheap. The term has been an epic failure; a one term proposition to be sure.

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