Monday, September 17, 2012

In God We Trust

Throughout his presidency, President Obama has taken seemingly every opportunity to change the history, advancing a false narrative that America is not a Christian nation.

The instances of this type rhetoric by Obama are plentiful, from leaving "endowed by their creator" out of the preamble to the Declaration of Independence, speaking of collective salvation and attacking the institution of the Catholic church.

Obama, using his same old game of straw man arguments in application of the Overton Window, is traveling down a road that is false and most destructive to our nation. In his arrogance, apparently, Obama feels empowered to implement his beliefs on the stature of our nation, relegating those principles of the past to a time we have traveled past.

Mr. President, we will thwart you from directing us to travel that road, as our divinely inspired nation will rise up against all enemies, foreign or domestic, who seek to transform us away from our founding principles.

While the issue is most serious, and as we approach the election all issues surrounding Obama are, a video from Stoplight highlights a road Obama should travel.

Please see the following:

You won't find Stuart Chase on this road, but you will find overwhelming evidence regarding the foundation of our country.

It is a foundation of principles, which are centered around God, and In God We Trust.


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