Monday, September 3, 2012

Worth A Thousand Words

Jon McNaughton utilizes his tremendous ability of story telling on the canvas to illustrate the layers of destruction and transformation our country is suffering at the hands of President Barack Obama.

Through a series of paintings, personal to McNaughton and to us all, volumes are spoken with pictorial brilliance of the crisis at hand, under the direction of an arrogant would be dictator who seeks to preside of over the decline of America.

Please see the following video:

McNaughton does something special with his latest effort; offering an opportunity for viewers an interactive opportunity to view the basis for his mindset linking evidence on his website of over 60 symbols portrayed within the painting.

Please see the following video:


I have friends who support Obama who I know to be decent people; therefore it is obvious they are blinded by the old donkey versus elephant argument's and fail to grasp that Obama is not your fathers Democrat.

Instead, as well chronicled in the new movie 2016: Obama's America, Obama seeks to transform the wealth of America to the rest of the globe in the name of fairness, placing free markets in control of governmental technocrats who abuse power.

Perhaps the fine, pun intended, art of McNaughton will open some eyeballs. After all; a picture is worth a thousand words.

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