Patrick Murphy is the Democrat attempting to unseat West, and he has been given full support from the Democratic Leadership, as unseating West has been considered a priority. The Wikipedia page for Murphy ( I recognize Wikipedia can rival NBC News for lack of integrity ) describes him as a graduate of the University of Miami whose disgust with the Tea Party led him to switch from a Mitt Romney supporter to a Democrat who supported Obamacare, is pro LGBT rights and favors higher taxes. Not my kind of guy!
According to the Murphy campaign, many of his views do not mesh well with the progressives associated with the Democratic leadership, suggesting to me his opinions and principles are flexible and not cast in stone. For example, Murphy indicates he supports expanding job creation and promoting business growth, something the Obama administration has been stifling through excessive regulation, taxation, Obamacare and economic uncertainty.
Murphy has some past personal issues as well. Certainly, many of us have had our moments, myself included, although most without an arrest record. It sure looks like Murphy has turned the page and is now a fine upstanding citizen; good for him!
Murphy is hitting West with falsities in the campaign, most notably on two issues; job creation and women's rights. Not withstanding the barriers to job growth implemented by President Obama, under Gov. Rick Scott, Florida is creating jobs, although an unacceptable rate due to the attacks on small business. In addition, there is no attack on women as put forth by Obama, and the principles West stands for, inclusive of the promotion of family values and the promotion of free market principles, are partners in success for women and their families.
West has released a stunning ad detailing the commitment Allen West has to America, in contrast to a emerging you man who continues to find his footing regarding the direction our nation should embark upon. No such wavering in decision making from West:
Well, there you have it.
A proud conservative and American patriot, Allen West is highly representative of the individual we need in Washington, a leader who calls balls and strikes and has little toleration for governmental bureaucrats who seek to transform American values and principles decreasing individual freedom along the way.
Among my favorite people in Washington, BAHL offers full support for Congressman Allen West.
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