Monday, October 1, 2012

Educational Failures an Exponential Problem

Last week, The King of All Media, Howard Stern, sent a staff member out on the street to check in with some Obama supporters. Stern discovered many already know; that we have a sizable uneducated portion of the electorate that extends far from a level of embarrassment, but is actually a serious matter of national security. Take listen, but do grab a seat first:

Untold gazillions have been spent in effort to bolster our educational system, but as you can see from the results, the unions are getting rich while many of our citizens are nothing short of idiots. Rick Perry had troubling thinking of governmental departments to be eliminated, but I got one; the Department of Education.

After all, for the teacher unions, their objective has nothing to do with a great public school system, and it is not about the kids. This is impossible to imagine, but don't take my written thoughts to truth; take the words of NEA Chief Counsel Bob Chanin:

With taxpayer dollars pouring in, the public school system, run by the government, has failed miserably to significantly raise the standard level of education, not because we have poor teachers, but primarily because of the significant infiltration of the teacher union.

While this may seem like an isolated problem, if applied in macro terms, an extremely troubling objective comes into light. President Obama has spent much of first term implementing a significant extension of governmental control of the citizenry, a citizenry deemed lacking in intellectual aptitude to engage in proper decision making.

The arrogance of those involved in the orchestration of a socialistic system heavy on central planning with progressive increases in governmental power based on the needs of the collective is astonishing, but it is in full implementation right under our eyes. The government has installed and expanded policies which offer minimal benefits, trapping those uneducated individuals to a lifetime of governmental dependency, robbing them of their identity and democracy and their ability to engage in the pursuit of happiness.

On the heels of Stern's effort, we were offered another glimpse of this in Cleveland with SEIU protesters outside a Romney campaign event:

Idiots are suckered in, as they have not been adequately educated to understand freedom and basic economics. These folks welcome the benefits, not recognizing the freedoms they are giving away.  In addition, as Mitt Romney pointed out in the hidden video he is being incorrectly being hammered on, those handing out the gifts will secure almost all of the votes cast by those receiving the benefits. 

Securing a small portion of a particular voting base can swing an election, and if President Obama and his cohorts succeed in transforming America away from free enterprise, untold numbers will suffer with violence and despair taking root.

Mitt Romney was asked last week what the election was about, and he responded "freedom". Romney was without question correct. This election is about free stuff versus freedom, and I hope enough of those making their way to the voting booth understand a basic economic principle: there is no free lunch.

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