Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Power of the States

As the winds of Autumn prepare to blow over the gridiron fields across the fruited plain, for those of us who seek freedom and limited government, a stiff, sometimes sharp and biting, political wind has been in our face seemingly for decades.

For 100 years, the Progressives have been working diligently to "fundamentally transform" America, molding it to their hearts content. Not withstanding the presidency of Ronald Reagan, the wheels of transformation have been turning, and we are now coming to grips with which direction the wind is blowing.

While the parallels to George Orwell's 1984 novel are quite clear, it really is beyond that. The falsities presented on a daily basis in the mainstream news cycle is illustrative that common sense is absent, and in a more troubling development, the presentation of events are dictated by political influences with specific agendas.

The progressives have done their homework, and have welcomed the utilization of the insights and tactics of Edward Bernays, Saul Alinsky and Cass Sunstein. Through executive orders, legislation and media elements, public behavior in being nudged into an inescapable position of oppression. These mechanisms have allowed the government to introduce the public to new normals that are unnecessary in their existence, manipulating choice in effort to control the citizenry.

Certainly, that paints a grim picture of the future, but the most ominous aspect of this transformation is the failure our elected officials to adhere to the law. Under the Obama administration, there are many examples that can be presented to illustrate the administration operating outside the law. It was first exhibited when the GM bondholders were eliminated from the contract order of repayment of their bond investment, present when the DOJ failed to prosecute obvious voter intimidation by the Black Panthers in Philadelphia to recently picking and choosing which parts of Obamacare, legislation voted into law which violates our Constitution, will be delayed in implementation.

Once you have our government doing as they please without adherence to our laws, you indeed have nothing short of a banana republic. At that point, and we are here, drastic measure must be taken to preserve the great experiment handed to us by our divinely inspired Founding Fathers.

The Great One, Mark Levin, a Constitutional scholar and radio talk show host, joined Sean Hannity on "Hannity" on The FOX News Channel to discuss a radical, yet legal and intelligent, avenue for the citizenry to wrestle back control of our arrogant and lawless officials, sadly from both parties, running Washington DC. Take a listen:

Embarked upon by Woodrow Wilson, the road we are traveling portrayed by Stuart Chase has been slowly traversed by progressives, and the destination is sadly in sight. This is a resort of socialism, ripe with decay and void of incentive, hope and dignity for those on the outside looking in, alarming portrayed in Orwells' 1984. Perhaps Friedrich Hayek gave us the blueprint, noting how a society travels "The Road to Serfdom".

It will take an innovative and all inclusive effort to retard the momentum the progressives now have, but in order to preserve our nation, the fight must be engaged promptly. The ideas Levin presented, recognizing the power of the states, have strong merit, and BAHL Revere is hoping to sound the alarm in the spirit of  Paul Revere.

The times are just as dire.

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