Each day, as the envelope gets pushed farther and farther, more are beginning to recognize we have and imperial presidency, where our citizenry finds itself coming closer everyday to becoming full fledged members of the outer party, made famous in the 1949 George Orwell book 1984.
This level of arrogance presents a gold mine for late night hosts, who are not Obamabots, and those with sane mind, such as Micheal Ramirez, award winning editorial cartoonist for Investors Business Daily, who recognizes the great peril our country is in, with freedom and liberty escaping our grasp on seemingly a daily basis.
“That’s the good thing as a president, I can do whatever I want.” quipped President Barack Obama on February 10, 2014 while walking with French President Hollande prior to a meeting. On a side note, can you imagine the French president having a political positioning to the right of our president. Me neither.
Many are taking notice and wondering if the executive order actions taken by President Obama are indicative of the executive office acting without benefit of congressional backing or the will of the people. You think?
Juan Williams of FOX News defends the President, noting that Obama has issued less of these than previous presidents. However, in reality, even though Obama has a pen and phone, he rarely uses executive order on big things he cannot get congressional approval for. He simply fails to adhere to laws, changes laws, or initiates governance through arms of the government, with an example being climate change legislation through the EPA.
This actions are simply lawlessness and in many ways a violation of our Constitution, and if placed on the other foot, those Obamabots would be literally setting the place on fire. However, Few on the right seem fazed.
Dangerous precedent is being set, but what is puzzling is that so many of the congressional members, from both parties, find this acceptable practice. The congress enables itself to irrelevancy in effort to promote their progressive ideals. This goes against the founders, who thought the separate powers would always work in their own best interest, a vehicle of protection of the separation of powers.
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George Orwell |
The Democrats sent their folks in office to reverse the perceived evils they saw in George W. Bush only to have them magnified exponentially. This group consists of those who are Obamabots and opponents of our capitalist system or are drunk on irrelevance and fail to recognize it.
Surveillance, the national debt and federal deficit, executive orders and transparency are only a few of the items where the Dems likely cannot tell the men from the animals. I cannot either, but I can tell the intellectual elite progressives over the principled representatives of the citizenry and their liberty and freedom.
Nothing is real, and we are not strolling around Strawberry Fields. President Obama runs around "campaigning" against the results of action he himself has orchestrated. It is in fact the Limbaugh Theorem.
This is quite simply unsustainable. The lies will ultimately be exposed, the truths will emerge and reality of what has taken place in the last decade will be a bitter pill for most to swallow. The damage to America, already taking shape, will be significant.
For the average American, the most likely form of this damage will be a reduction in the standard of living, far beyond what has already occurred under Obama, from a serious financial event. Many are presently predicting such an event, coming sooner than later.

That would be some harsh hope and change, wouldn't it.
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