Wednesday, June 25, 2014

What If?

What if?

What if America never existed?

Best selling author Dinesh D'Souza, whose recent work regarding the background, motivations  and misunderstood ambitions of President Obama has been compelling and spot on, teams with award winning producer Gerald Molen to bring us "America" The Movie, which hits movie theaters, appropriately, in approach of the July 4th holiday.  Take a look see at the trailer.

I believe our country was divinely inspired, with our founding fathers, brilliant men, risking their lives, fortunes and sacred honor, presenting us with a gift of liberty; lighting the flame of freedom. Throughout the history of our nation, we have certainly experienced a slew of growing pains. Our founders expected this, and expected the people to right the mistakes along the way.

As Ronald Reagan once said, this country was founded and built by people with great dreams and the courage to take great risks

George Washington, the indispensable man, was an exceptional individual who took many risks in the battles that helped give birth to our nation. What if Washington's armies failed in their effort to defeat the British?

In his new film, D'Souza examines that question among others.  Another question D'Souza pondered is whether American wealth based on theft and oppression?  D'Souza, as noted on his website, makes the moral case for capitalism.

Washington would have agreed, noting that a moral component "was a necessary spring of popular government".  Faith, hope and charity and the capitalist free market economic system, one which gives power to the people through liberty and freedom, is the heartbeat of our nation.

Reagan also said freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction.  It is not our by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it only comes once to a people.  Those who have known freedom and lost it never know it again.

As D'Souza noted, America is currently at a crossroads.  If America did not exist, terminated at any point along the way in our brief history, the world would be a very, very dark place with evil running roughshod.

America; imagine the world without her?  Check out "America" The Movie and find out!

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