Monday, July 21, 2014

Crash And Burn

When America is weak, the bad actors around the world are far from the Obama administration described tranquillity, elevating encroachment of territory, breaching of treaties and increasing acts of terrorism.

Without question, America is weak and the world is on fire.

Russian President Vladamir Putin continues to exercise through economic and military action in his desire to invade neighboring countries who broke apart from Russia reestablishing Russia and their impact on the global platform.  Without question, Putin is not to be considered an ally of The United States.

Publicly, Putin and Obama appear to have a very terse relationship.  Perhaps this animosity is based on arrogance, but with Obama having been caught on a "hot-mic' pledging to have more flexibility after the election, which he surprisingly won rather easily, one has to wonder.

Amidst the weakness of the US and the west overall, The conflict between Russian and Ukraine escalated significantly last week when a Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 flight MH 17, traveling at approximately 33,000 feet, was blasted out of the sky by a missile.

President Obama, seemingly unfazed by geopolitical events with significant bearing on worldwide stability, issued commentary failing to be representative of the leader of the free world, but rather that of a simple man embedded with narcissism focused on his own celebrity satisfaction. Get this:

President Obama has openly compared himself to each of our greatest Presidents, but he could learn quite a bit from the only one of those men who held that office during his lifetime; Ronald Reagan. 

How would President Reagan have responded to such a barbaric attack?  Well, a South Korean jetliner was shot down by Russian fighter jets in 1983, so we can answer that question.  Megyn Kelly of FOX News "The Kelly File" rolls the tape:

The distinction of leadership of these two men is astonishing; however, Reagan loved America and freedom and had both in his heart when he spoke to the nation.  President Obama seeks to level the playing field for America with the rest of the world, limiting our what he deems as our oppressive presence on the world stage.

Although we presume his political career is soon to conclude, President Obama ran off to continues carry an exhaustive schedule of fundraising.  In addition, photo ops and recreational activities inclusive of yet another round of golf were taken in. 

Meanwhile, 298 folks died a needless and horrifying death; but at the hands of whom?

The weaponry needed to pull off striking the airliner at that range is rather sophisticated, with additional expertise needed from individuals on the ground to use the weapon with such accuracy.

The 24 hour mainstream news cycle was all over this one, and it became clear quickly Russia and Putin were considered the culprits, either directly or indirectly by through surrogate fighters on the ground.  The media presented this as factual the airliner was struck by a Russian Buk missile, although evidence continues to be gathered, compromised or stolen.

While most note the Russian separatists have taken the missile launcher back to Russia and those on the ground have confiscated evidence. Obama thinks Ukrainian rebels are prohibiting the investigation, if there is one engaged upon at this time.

However, do we know what we think we know?  Are we, enabled by our propagandist media, jumping to conclusions? Former Congressman Ron Paul thinks so, a result of past government and media distortion and distraction.

We are alerted that the Buk missile, as described on its own Wikipedia page, likely was not the missile system utilized in the attack due to fragmentation warhead, which does not match photographic evidence of the wreckage.

Reports indicated the plane was diverted into that air space.  Why would that be the case, and if that is false, why would the plane be taking that path anyway. There appears to be video evidence of strike, and almost immediately there was a YouTube conversation between the purported superiors of those who fired the missile. Reported facts are really in serious question.

If you really want a conspiracy theory, imagine, with Russia and China reportedly attempting to crash the US dollar, which is understandable given our increasing debt, did US forces act to change world perception of Putin and Russia as a economic world player who cannot be trusted and has militant aspirations.   Consider former Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson confirmed the effort of economic terrorism was attempted in 2008.

While it will be interesting to see this all play out, we must be reminded 298 innocent lives were lost. 

I suspect Russian ground operatives made the ultimate fuck up, thinking the airliner was a transport plane.  With the plane down, each side is making effort to cast guilt upon the other.  Due to the lack of leadership in Washington, pressure from the west to reign in action over there is futile.

It is worth noting, that while we are considering that the objectives of the Obama administration are similar to ours, we must recall that the election is over and Obama may be demonstrating his flexibility to Putin.  To remake American, you must first unmake America.

Sadly, it likely includes further steps in transforming The United States of America from the leader in freedom and prosperity in the world to simply a rook on the world chess board; deservedly so in the mind of our 44th president.

Perhaps Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 flight MH 17 won't be the only crash and burn victim.

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