FSU School of Business faculty member Deborah O'Connor, an 18 year faculty member, posted on her personal Facebook page remarks deemed inappropriate by all those who disagree with her opinion.

The Business Insider article claimed the comments were racial and homosexual slurs in a heated Facebook exchange about recent police killings of unarmed blacks. As reported by the Tallahassee Democrat, "O'Connor told the Tallahassee Democrat that she was embarrassed by the entire incident. She was not forced to resign, she said, but she was encouraged to. "I've learned my lesson about Facebook; let's just leave it at that," O'Connor said. "I decided to resign because I didn't think it was feasible to drag myself and Florida State through this kind of mud."
While representatives from The Tallahassee Democrat were so appalled they were unable to speak of the remarks, labeling them racist, homophobic, alarming and offensive, Business Insider published the remarks, with one noting O'Connor referred to "Northern fagoot (sic) elitism" and made disparaging remarks about Muslims. Business Insider also quoted one of the Facebook posts as having said "Obama has single-handedly turned our once great society into a Ghetto Culture, rivaling that of Europe. France is almost at war because of his filthy rodent Muslims who are attacking Native Frenchmen and women."
First of all, I thought we had freedom of speech in this country. Although it could be considered Ms. O'Connor represents Florida State University at all times, it would seem she certainly has the right to post anything legal permissible she wishes on her page.
Secondly, does the power reside only with those who do not agree with her conclusions? It sure seems so.
While I found her presentation lacking in decorum, it is my opinion her comments are not off the mark.
Evidence suggests majorities in northeast America are comfortable with an elite ruling class presiding over government activism. I would cite the healthcare plan implemented by Mitt Romney in Massachusetts as an example. I am offended by those who encourage the elite ruling class, seeking to limit the opportunity to achieve the American dream of those not deemed worthy.
Radical Muslims are in fact causing a great deal of difficulty in Europe. There has been acts of terror in the streets, most notably the recent beheading of a British soldier in the middle of a neighborhood street. Sharia Law is on the slow creep over there, and is actually gaining ground in the US as well.
The ghetto culture Ms. O'Connor referenced may be the destruction of personal property and the failure to adhere to the rule of law we have witnessed recently with protesters. There is a distinct difference in how those that marched with Dr. Martin Luther King addressed grievances and how President Obama and his operatives approach perceived variances in equality and opportunity. The actions of King were productive, while those Obama help create dependency, diminishing opportunities for individual accomplishment and community value.
Recent polling numbers indicated race relations under President Obama have significantly deteriorated, and I would contend this is by design. Obama wishes to usher in a level of divisiveness, not only with race, but with class. There more chaos created, the more opportunities for the advancement of government control. As evidence, I would cite Attorney General Eric Holder refusing to move forward with the voter intimidation case in Philadelphia, where members of The Black Panthers were accosting voters with clubs and heated rhetoric.
That rhetoric is fine for the left, but it is unconscionable for Ms. O'Connor to forward her opinion.
It is noted I have advanced the theory FSU is under attack from the left, potentially due to a relationship with the Koch Brothers. And while this incident with Professor O'Conner is likely not related to my theory, there is no doubt that if you disagree publicly with President Obama and his positions, you are subject to public ridicule and the wrath of the administration and their operatives.
You are highly discouraged from voicing your opinion, or standing in opposition of the administration, for you are not deemed worthy of contribution. Leave the decisions to the ruling class, and do not upset the narrative, however false, being advanced.
Saul Alinsky style.
We don't adhere to the wishes of the progressive left, and will continue to use our freedom of speech to firebomb here on the blog or on our BAHL Revere Facebook page. Comments from Professor O'Connor are welcome.
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