Monday, December 15, 2014

Through The Years

So it is.  Through the years.

While the mainstream media lead you astray once again with claims of workplace violence and the like, please be advised there are legions of radicalized Islam terrorists that seek the elimination of those deemed the infidel.  This would most likely reference you.

Because of the embrace of the Muslim Brotherhood by the leaders of our government, and a growing movement to have empathy for our enemies, most recently advanced by presumed 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, we have stake our position in weakness.

Therefore, attacks like we just witnessed in Australia will continue to occur, and the continental United States will not avoid such attacks.

Unlike the contention placed Hillary Clinton, we should approach our enemies as dangerous, armed and deadly.  These terrorists are unable to reasoned with as men who value life; therefore, they must be met with the same deadly force they seek to bring us.

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