Thursday, July 23, 2015


The "Hands Up Don't Shoot" movement is an orchestrated movement to raise the status of those deemed victims of oppression in this nation, transfer wealth and set the platform for civil unrest, which would allow the federal government to expand control over the citizenry.

The individuals involved in "Hands Up Don't Shoot" are being played as the intellectually challenged fools they are.

It is so ridiculous that Martin O'Malley, former governor of Maryland and a candidate for the Democratic nomination for president in 2016, got hammered in a a forum for claiming that not only do #BlackLivesMatter, but all lives matter.

O'Malley, who was former mayor of Baltimore prior to becoming governor of Maryland, oversaw the destruction of this once proud city, which to any sound thinking individual, would eliminate him from consideration for higher office.

It is worth noting, that not only is O'Malley ineffective as a leader, he has the spine of piece of balsa wood. O'Malley back tracked and apologized in prompt fashion, unable to stand up to left wing morons who claim all lives do not matter.

In addition, O'Malley is an intellectual lightweight, who astonishingly blamed the rise of ISIS on, of all things, global climate change.  With a guy like this in charge, the earth will be as hot as ever when our head gets chopped off by ISIS terrorist running roughshod on America's streets.

Meanwhile, while the media falls all over themselves over the #BlackLivesMatter campaign as they have been directed to do so, videos show Planned Parenthood executives describing the sale of fetal body parts at the organization’s affiliates.

No matter where you fall on the debate of abortion, I hope we can agree this despicable action is sickening and horrifying.

It is noted Hillary Clinton admires PPH founder Margaret Sanger "enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision", which was an evil eugenic vision centered on racism.

I wonder if we can take a moment to think that the current leadership in America, and their complicit media partners, are FAR more concerned with a false, orchestrated premise of oppression over our black inner city citizens than they are of organizations violating federal law by selling body parts of murdered children.

By the way, if late term abortions are tissue rather than living children, what in fact is being sold?

Wake Up America!!!!!!

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