Monday, July 6, 2015

Progressives Use LGBT Movement to Control Citizenry

With ISIS running roughshod and terror in the air, and with an economy that looks fair with manipulated data but is incredibly fragile and on the brink of collapse, in recent weeks, issues surrounding those not heterosexual have dominated the news.  With age old common law and Christian values whipsawed from every angle, many of us feel we're climbing through the pages of Dr. Seuss's Inside Outside Upside Down.

There have been attacks on bakeries, who due to their religious  faith appropriately determined they would be unable to make a cake for a gay wedding.  A similar issue arose for a pizza parlor in the middle of nowhere that got attacked from all points across the globe. Quite a disturbance for such a limited amount of people.

Then, there is the sad tale of former Olympian champion Bruce Jenner, who has determined he is actually a woman and has begun making his transition, now referred to as Caitlyn.  I think he has major psychological issues, but I hope he finds peace.

These issues have not come to the forefront by accident.  Nobody was shocked the media was poised to promptly react as each of these issues became public knowledge.  Obama did not read about it in the news.

In fact, I deem the whole thing orchestrated.

I recall something I found interesting while watching the Celebrity Apprentice in 2012, noting that a disproportional amount of the charities designated by the contestants were associated with some arm of the LGBT movement. We posted here on BAHL Revere about this the time.

Vice President Joe Biden supposedly misspoke regarding Obama being a supporter of gay marriage, but that was not the case, simply presented that was to open the door for Obama, no doubt a man of principle, to change course once the wind changed direction allowing political expediency.  Same with Hillary Clinton, who for decades stood tall for marriage between a man and woman, citing it as a "bedrock principle".

These folks are liars.  They do not give a damn about gay people, although seemingly non-credible reports indicated both may be bisexual.  Both Obama and Clinton are using the LGBT movement, which again, represents approximately five percent of the population with a full stretch of the figures, to further their political ambitions.

And now, with the Supreme Court recently ruling in favor of same sex marriage, the slippery slope begins a frantic struggle for friction.

As famed economist and Hoover Institution Senior Fellow Thomas Sowell so eloquently stated recently stated in the supreme editorial pages of Investors Business Daily, "When any branch of government can exercise powers not authorized by either statutes or the Constitution, "we the people" are no longer free citizens but subjects, and our "public servants" are really our public masters. And America is no longer America. The freedom for which whole generations of Americans have fought and died is gradually but increasingly being taken away from us with smooth and slippery words".

The reasons for this embrace of the LGBT movement are plentiful; however, most notably,progressive activists in the United States want to use these kinds of laws to destroy free speech in America.  Hate speech is defined as speech that offends, threatens or insults groups, based on race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or other traits. There you have it, if your religion finds homosexuality offensive, and you think that, you have no doubt offended somebody, and this day and age, that somebody could force your incarceration.

I'll go ahead an offend someone, as I believe marriage is between a man and a woman, with same sex couples free to seek civil unions, allowing them equal rights under the law but not necessarily in the church.

Moving forward now, all legal forms must be altered, and for students filling out forms it will move to parent name rather than the name of the mother and father, diminishing the value of the traditional family. If churches fail to embrace the LGBT crowd, from performing marriages to hiring staff, even if this goes against traditional beliefs of the church, the churches risk losing their tax exempt status. Calls for the stripping of the tax exempt status have already begun.

Christian churches are officially under attack now, and will be set up to be in violation; however, you will not see such effort being made at any mosques.  Islam is being championed; left alone, however, Christianity is deemed unworthy by these elites as traditional America must be discredited and destroyed for the new socialist utopia of one world governance to take root.

Hate speech can fly vigorously aimed at those who don't share admiration for the LGBT community, with labels of bigotry and racism tossed about with little ramification. Free speech will be punished in the court of public affairs if it is deemed inappropriate by the wizards of doublespeak. 

If you own a private company, you will be declared ineligible for consideration for government contracts or dealings with government agencies if you are deemed to profess discrimination against the gay community, or for that matter, illegal immigrants.

If it were only gay marriage, that might be one thing.

However, the issue is never the issue with the left, and the floodgates of rewriting common law and destroying valued traditions with escalating government control is running roughshod, issuing punitive damage to those who dissent.

The LGBT crowd are useful idiots, utilized as a political mechanism by the progressive movement to gain control over the citizenry.  With the help of a rogue Supreme Court who deems themselves able to operate outside of the Constitution, these doors have just been kicked wide open.  

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