Thursday, July 16, 2015


The United States of America REMAINS under attack from radical Islamic terrorists worldwide.

Today, AGAIN, we are hit on our own shores as reportedly four US Marines were assassinated in Chattanooga, TN.

An attack on the US Military is an attack on America!

Sadly, our leadership not only appears to have little concern over these all too familiar attacks, they appear to be facilitating them.

President Obama and his team have embolden the terrorists and have done little to nothing to stop ISIS.  In fact, with the recent agreement with Iran, the top nation sponsor of global terrorism, it can be said that Obama is assisting in financing the terrorists.

Iran deal finances global terrorism
For crying out loud, President Obama still refuses to recognize who our enemy is.

America is under attack. It is time for those who normally do not engage in the political process to reduce the guilty pleasures of whatever program Ryan Seacrest is hosting on any given night and recognize the grim reality Uncle Sam is facing.

Time is short, and enemies are not only foreign, but domestic, hiding in plain sight.  Open Your Eyes!

You are WARNED!

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