Sunday, May 22, 2016

All Rights, Most Notably Property Rights, Are Under Assault

First, under the "Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” rule, which was issued by the Department of Housing and Urban Development last year, we noted an extensive web of restrictions of property rights.

Now comes word of a National Zoning Board, no doubt part of a wide spread attack on white flight.

"This new regulation is designed to give unelected, anonymous bureaucrats in Washington the power to pick and choose who your new next-door neighbor will be. If they don’t believe your neighborhood is “diverse” enough, they will seize control of local zoning decisions—choosing what should be built, where, and who should pay for it—in order to make your neighborhood look more like they want it to" wrote Sen. Mike Lee (R:UT) in a column printed in The Daily Signal.

Rush Limbaugh recently discussed an FHA action requiring landlords to not restrict felons from renting units as it "may make them feel discriminated against."

“The Fair Housing Act prohibits both intentional housing discrimination and housing practices that have an unjustified discriminatory effect because of race, national origin, or other protected characteristics,” read the newly released guideline from HUD Secretary Julian Castro.

Limbaugh further noted “What do you think the penalty’s gonna be to the landlords that fail to follow Obama’s dictates and rent rooms to criminals?” Limbaugh asked. “You don’t think they’re gonna be able to come in and make the play for your land, for your property, absconding it, claiming that you are misusing it or what have you?”

Under the Obama administration, seemingly all the rights of the people are under some form of duress. Religious liberty is front and center. The current nonsensical dust up over Transgender bathrooms, which centers around an individual being able to declare their status, chips away at the decision already made by God.  Free speech, gun rights and regulatory encroachment in communications, labor, finance, surveillance, and environmental arenas are examples of government infiltration in the liberty and freedom of the citizenry.

However, we deem the attack on property rights most alarming. There are far reaching tentacles from actions undertaken, and all are attempting to reach the same goal; for the government to take control of private property away from the citizenry.

“You know what this is really all about?” Limbaugh asked his audience. “You have a landlord that refuses to rent to a criminal, Obama says, ‘No, no, no, you have to because our racial justice system’s been so unbalanced, you’re guilty of racism when you refuse to rent,’ you know what that’s really all about is seizing your property,” he explained.

As famed progressive Stuart Chase noted in his work The Road We Are Traveling; "We don't want to own your property, just control what you can do with it."

Private property ownership, and the rights associated therein, are under direct assault from the tyrannical Obama administration as part of their efforts of transforming America and engaging in the transfer of wealth.

Property rights are without question central to the freedoms of our nation, and must be protected at all legally permissible costs. All our Constitutional Rights must be protected at all legally permissible costs.

As they continue to erode, we must ask at what point will you have had enough?

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