Radical Islam strikes again in the SODO district in the heart of downtown Orlando.
Terrorism is alive and well contrary to media reports and the bumbling of President Obama. When will America wake up!
Is anybody paying attention?
"ISIS Announced Florida Threat THREE Days Ago: “We Will Attack Florida!”
ISIS Muslim terrorists released a statement on their plan to attack Florida, and even put out a list with the names of people in Florida that they plan on killing."
Our president refuses to identify the enemy, and is making feeble if any efforts to eliminate them. Given the failure to face this evil with adequate force, no wonder the Trump train is gaining momentum! Americans have had enough!
“Our nation is at war. From 9/11 to the Boston Marathon, from Fort Hood to Chattanooga, from San Bernardino to last night’s horrific attack in Orlando, radical Islamic terrorism has declared jihad on America.” “It is a time for action. We need a Commander in Chief who will speak the truth, and who will unleash the full force and fury of the American military to utterly destroy ISIS and its affiliates." ---Sen. Ted Cruz (R:TX)
As we expressed in previous posts, we had little doubt a terrorist act was imminent; however we had no idea it would occur in our own back yard.
We also had noted repeatedly Obama is not only the worst president ever but the first anti-American president.
Obama is literally on the other team, and Donald Trump just eluded to it, noting "He doesn't get it or he gets it better than anybody understands. It's one or the other, and either one is unacceptable." "We're led by a man who is a very -- look, we're led by a man that either is, is not tough, not smart, or he's got something else in mind," which we consider to be the destruction of the United States of America as you have known her.
Sadly, we fear this is only the beginning of a very rough summer.
Everything you need to know about the Orlando terror attack is presented in the report from WFTV-ABC9 Orlando, with famed anchor Bob Opshal reporting.
President Obama, elected (sadly) to be OUR President, cannot bring himself to reach out to Florida Gov. Rick Scott as of this AM regarding the worst single shooting incident, an act of terrorism committed no just against the LGBT community, Latinos or Floridians, but against The United States of America. George W. Bush has done so, but not the petulant Obama. He is nothing short of a complete disgrace, and we will be most fortunate not to have many more Americans fall victim to terrorism before he exits office.
In a rather stunning speech today, a petulant Obama hunkered down in defense of Islam essentially blaming America for the grotesque loss of life in Orlando. Obama took a shot at Trump, as did Hillary in a follow up speech. But it is Trump who has accurately assessed the real issue, radical Islamic terrorists, and make no mistake, it is the left, led by these two anti-American elites, and their policies, that are in large measure to blame for this terrorism. As Katie Hopkins illustrated in a brilliant piece today, "Perhaps it is those who preach tolerance that we should be most afraid of. Democrats and liberals preach tolerance. But in doing so they have chosen to ignore the dark truths of a religion which is the most intolerant of all."
While Obama searches for a motive, The Daily Caller brings us stunning information about Orlando killer Omar Matteen. “It is no coincidence that this happened in Orlando,” a law enforcement source told Fox News Sunday." "Omar Mateen, the perpetrator of the terror attack in Orlando, was enrolled in an online Islamic fundamental course ran by a radical Muslim released from prison last year" named Marcus Dwayne Robertson, who runs a school in Orlando known as the Timbuktu Seminary. Robertson is reported to be the former bodyguard of Omar Abdel Rahman, otherwise known as the Blind Sheik, the mastermind of the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.
The motive of the terrorist act in Orlando is known to everybody and anybody, except our anti-American president whose dereliction of duty is getting folks killed, which just might be considered treason.
The events of a tragic weekend in The City Beautiful will leave our town scared forever.
On Friday night, emerging star Christina Grimmie was gunned down by a crazed individual signing autographs after a show at The Plaza Live over in The Milk District. We all were very saddened.
But, the terrorism events of early Sunday morning at The Pulse over in the SODO district floored our entire nation.
We remain at war with radical Islamic terrorists whether our anti-American president is aware of it or not. It is rather obvious Obama will not take any steps to destroy ISIS, so perhaps it will come down to the citizenry.
Or Donald J. Trump.
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