Wednesday, March 14, 2018

King Dollar

Larry Kudlow

Larry Kudlow will take the job of top economic advisor to President Donald Trump.

President Trump named Larry Kudlow as the replacement for the departed Gary Cohn as National Economic Council director.

From our perspective, this is an excellent choice!

We have been longtime fans of Kudlow, reaching back through his long tenure with CNBC back to his days with the Reagan administration.

Certainly, while we are in agreement with much of Kudlow's free market and strong dollar advocacy, there are areas where we disagree. Without question, Kudlow will not always see things as President Trump does, and the recent topic of tariffs is one of them.

What Trump will find in Kudlow is a smart economist who has been around the block, a man steadfast in beliefs having witnessed their successes over decades. Additionally, Trump will benefit from Kudlow as a respectful and honest broker in debate, which will serve President Trump and our nation well.

As Kudlow is famous for noting, "Free Market Capitalism is the Best Path to Prosperity."

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