Tuesday, March 27, 2018

The Truth Remains Elusive

Motion reveals Pulse gunman's father was FBI informant

But there is yet more.

ZeroHedge has documented the information.

As reported by Nick Short, can you imagine that Seddique Mateen  had a pair of large money transfers Turkey and Afghanistan, with the second transfer having occurred one week before the attack?

Recall the CEO of Mandalay Bay was reported to have sold almost all of his holdings of stock (taking a capital gains tax hit) in his stable company a week before the shooting massacre in Las Vegas!

I am not sure what is going on, but there are significant questions surrounding almost all of the recent mass shootings. Unlike many, I am certain each of these events happened, but I do not think the public has been adequately informed of the motives and participants.

There remain questions about San Bernardino, and answers are far and few astonishingly between in Las Vegas. There were stand down orders given police in Orlando and Parkland. We call Central Florida home (and drive by Pulse almost on a daily basis), and there remain many unanswered questions about the Pulse shooting. Although the killer professed an allegiance to Islam, it has been categorized as an attack on the LGBT community (secondarily, it was, along with the Latino community) and the LGBT agenda has exponentially risen to prominence in the community since.

Without adequate answers being provided to the public, conspiracy theories will continue to be fed. Information that does trickle out like the info we got last night about the Pulse gunman's father gives additional evidence to those who think the truth in these events remains elusive.

Count me among that group.

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