Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Walk Out Hides Real Agenda

Five Lies About the Student ‘Walkout’ for Gun Control by Joel Pollack

"It amounts to exploiting our children, as well as those 17 deaths in Florida, for political purposes."

There is no question about it.  Ferguson, Baltimore, and sadly Orlando are all examples where the organized radical left has organized in breathtaking fashion to advocate for an agenda which attacks the founding principles of our nation, sadly exploiting the uneducated "useful idiots" in the process.

In Orlando, the Pulse shooting massacre was not chosen as a vehicle to advance gun control, but rather to push the LGBT agenda. With the help of media partners and a very vocal minority, it has worked like a charm, as Orlando has become a leading gay community. (we don't have an issue with that, only the way it was seemingly forced upon us local residents rather than organically growing).

In fact, in the trial of the gunman's wife, which started this week, The Orlando Sentinel reports that federal prosecutors of Noor Salman considered the attack at Pulse on June 12,2016 was a terrorist act, not a gay club attack. While the media would never agree, we deem this assessment compete accurate.

These well organized groups of the radical left are making great progress, and our nation is paying a heavy price.

One has to wonder how many of our children, who while with heavy hearts wanted to pay tribute to the beautiful souls who were lost on Valentines Day in south Florida, were heavy influenced by the lies presented to them by these dishonest agents of those who aim to change the principles this nation was founded upon.

Perhaps a better course of action today would have been to adopt the words expressed on this wonderful sign making it's way through social media today:

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