A great article in Conservative Review notes the following: "The purpose of American conservatism is to conserve freedom and justice for the good and happiness of all of us. Its purpose is to defend liberty from hatred and evil that seek to destroy. That is what we must remember on September 11, and on every day. We must never forget that."
I am extremely proud to be an American. I have a clear vision of the evil who attacked us on the that horrific day and in no way shape or form have I considered forgetting.

Given the state of our nation today, in a constant battle to prove either or Aldous Huxley or George Orwell was more accurate, attacking itself and drowning in an ocean of political correctness it appears we may have already lost the battle.
The following was noted in an intriguing article presented by Ammo.com, which concludes: "Unless the United States is clear about who its enemy is and the price it is willing to pay to defeat it, we are destined for an endless war with ever-growing encroachments on American liberties. If this is the path America chooses, then there can be no doubt that we have already lost the war."
In fact, the same evil continues to threaten us to this very day. Enemies within are using the laws of freedom in our nation against us. We MUST stay vigilant, holding our principles dear as we maintain our strength and resolve to remain the powerful beacon of freedom in the world we were divinely inspired to be.

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