Barrack Obama is one of these idiots, and of course thinking it is all about him, he issued the following retort through his staff:
"It is sad that President Bush would use a speech to the Knesset on the 60th anniversary of Israel's independence to launch a false political attack," Obama said in the statement his aides distributed. "George Bush knows that I have never supported engagement with terrorists, and the president's extraordinary politicization of foreign policy and the politics of fear do nothing to secure the American people or our stalwart ally Israel."
Obama just this week fired a staff member for consulting with Hamas, who last I checked, is second on the list of terrorists organizations in Americans killed. Apparently, the "politics of fear" are working just ducky since, thank God, we have been able to stand free of any additional attacks since 9-11. It was indeed Obama who said, without any pre-conditions, he would meet with all the tyrants around the world, legitimizing their status and pulling the weakness card out of our hat. Naive sure, but much more importantly, very dangerous. A rogue Jimmy Carter running around is one thing, but potentially a sitting President would be quite another.
Sen. Hillary Clinton, still clinging to some hope the Obama campaign will blow up (Rev. Wright is still offering sermons), felt it necessary to comment:
President Bush’s comparison of any Democrat to Nazi appeasers is both offensive and outrageous on the face of it, especially in light of his failures in foreign policy. This is the kind of statement that has no place in any presidential address and certainly to use an important moment like the 60th anniversary celebration of Israel to make a political point seems terribly misplaced. Unfortunately, this is what we’ve come to expect from President Bush.
Given the actions of the cut and run Democrats with regard to current activities, those who tossed the only Democrat who gets the global war on terror out of the party in Joe Lieberman, how could she be so dis shelved about comparing Democrats to appeasers. I contend they are!
Regarding the comments, we have come to expect this from Bush? You have got to be kidding me? President Bush has been most gracious to the Clintons, perhaps most by offering Bill Clinton a vehicle to rebuild his reputation by embarking on charitable operations with Bush 41. I can see where this graciousness has got 43. Have you met the Clintons?
Israel understands better than anyone how deadly appeasement can be. Fortunately for them, President Bush has this completely comprehended and it seems fitting to warn the world that others may not be as knowledgeable. Yeah, Obama, he is talking about you. So am I.
BAHL, well said. I do believe that he was talking about Obama but he also was encompassing all the Libs that think talking to these crazies will accomplish any something. A great example is Jimmy Carter, he went to talk to these fools and what happened, Hamaas missile into a mall a few days ago, and continuing attacks. With all the publicity about Carter's visit, Bush could have wanted to make a statement that he did not speak for this country and he's an idiot just like the one he wanted to talk to.
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