Sunday, August 10, 2008

Let The Record Reflect

A few months back, The New York Times ran an above the fold front page story detailing a potential affair by John McCain, citing second and third person “reliable sources”. This allegation, with zero credible evidence produced, must be labeled false.

As the details began to surface from a National Enquirer report on an affair by lightweight John Edwards, complete with eyewitnesses and photographic evidence, virtually none of the news media would touch it. This is yet another example of media bias slapping you across the face.

Perhaps this was done out of respect for Edwards wife Elizabeth, who is fighting a serious battle with cancer, and certainly we wish her well in this fight. I have no use for the Edwards, and was aghast when shortly after announcing her cancer, Elizabeth Edwards was on the campaign stump throwing rhetoric at Edwards opponents. It is no doubt hard to respond by firing back at a woman who has just announced her cancer plight.

It took Edwards coming clean on ABC News Nightline for the news media to go with the story. And now, the fraud known as John Edwards is exposed for everyone to see.

One would certainly suspect his political career is over, but given the set of events as this admission became public, it seems to me the lying and political operations continue for Edwards. It is a wise idea to let fly any bad political information on a Friday in the hopes most folks will miss it with weekend activities going on. And with the Olympic Games starting, I guess Edwards thought this would be the best time, doing the least amount of damage to his political ambitions.

The National Enquirer has produced photos of Edwards and a child of Reille Hunter, with whom Edwards had the affair. Was Edwards holding his own baby? "I don't know if that picture is me," Edwards said. "It could well be. It looks like me. I don't know who that baby is. I have no idea what the picture is." Oh my!

Edwards antics are just cracking up the staff over at The Enquirer. David Perel, editor in chief at the Enquirer commented, "I think it's amazing, even as the man's coming clean, that he's continuing to lie," he said of Edwards. "Just as I've been saying for 10 months that he had an affair with Rielle Hunter, we know for a fact that is Rielle Hunter's baby and that is him holding the baby in the Beverly Hilton. He's not only hiding things from the public, he's hiding things from his wife."

Edwards will have a hard time with his timeline when these photos surface. Check them out at It seems he is continuing to lie to everyone and also trying to take actions in order to do damage control to his political future (God help us if there is one).

News reports now suggest there is also a money trail situation that is emerging, with installment payments and homes being bought for Ms. Hunter in various states by friends and/or campaign staffers of Edwards.

Certainly, it looks like Edwards did have two Americas going on. More entertainment appears on the horizon.

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