Sunday, August 31, 2008

Palin A Knockout!

In what may be a shocking development to some, GOP Presidential candidate John McCain selected Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate. While much of the country may not be familiar with Palin, for those of us who are, we can certainly understand why John McCain chose this mother of five and I am thrilled by the pick.

Palin has been front and center in the energy discussion, frequently appearing on The Glen Beck Program and CNBC's Kudlow and Company. No one has stated the case publicly louder for Palin than CNBC's Larry Kudlow, a former Reagan economic advisor.

Palin is quite an impressive individual, and since energy is topic A on the political landscape these days, Palin is a home run choice. I think this decision left the Obama camp struggling for footing. You want change and a breath of fresh air? You got it!

FOX Business Babe Alexis Glick (our favorite) is just learning about Palin and discussed her with Weekly Standard Managing Editor Bill Kristol. Kristol "gets it".

Although Palin is a bit shy on the experience front, she is much more qualified than Barack Obama. Please see the following link from for a mind boggling "Tale of the Tape"

Drill, Drill, Drill!

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