Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Condescending Arrogance at CNN

CNN Anchor Campbell Brown has obviously gotten quite full of herself of late. Brown, in an interview with McCain strategist Tucker Bounds regarding GOP VP designate Sarah Palin, delivers a distasteful display of condescending arrogance.

Brown is a graduate of Regis College with a degree in Political Science, which no doubt signifies her raised level of intelligence from the rest of us college graduates. Brown digs at Bounds for information regarding whether Palin possesses the foreign policy experience level needed should she be forced to ascend to the presidency. Of course, Browns candidate Obama can hardly challenge anyone on foreign policy experience since he has none.

Folks who used to rely on credible reporting without bias clearly can no longer look to CNN, as if they ever could, as this interview Brown conducted displays. She is apparently married to Dan Senor, a republican strategist. Senor should clue this arrogant chick in on the nasty direction this country is headed in if the novice socialist gets elected.

Furthermore, can anyone, including the "intelligent" new anchors attack Sarah Palin on the issues rather than her family issues? Or is that too daunting a task?

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