Saturday, January 3, 2009

No Room For Error In Skies

Political correctness is way out of hand and it just pisses me off. Orlando based Air Tran Airways is in defense mode and issuing apologies (?) after it tossed a group of Muslim passengers off a jet bound for Orlando from Washington DC. Other passengers reported they had heard members of this party make suspicious remarks about airline safety. Air Tran is getting hammered by most media outlets, but not here!

Call me crazy, but that sound like damn prudent thinking to me. I got a news flash for you. If you are part of a group of Muslim airline passengers acting odd, you may want to keep the pie hole shut, cause we are going to be quick to pull the trigger on your ass, given some developments earlier this decade. This also includes members of bands and wedding party guests, who miraculously always seem to be in the wrong place when tomahawks come flying. And if you don't like it, we may have to slap you around some. Don't think we won't!!

We are in a global war on terror and we are not going to put up with any crap from Muslims, white supremacists, the Macon County Garden Club, Imams, the Detroit Lions, the South Boston Glee Club or any other group who acts likes asses when boarding airplanes. This should be well recognized and all airline travelers should be on their best behavior. If not, you should be tossed as there is zero room for error in this regard.

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