Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Pounding of Palin Continues

The actions of the media these days is mind boggling, and in my view, extremely detrimental to our country. While untold shenanigans were taking place in Chicago, droves of media were scouring Alaska searching for dirt on Sarah Palin. You might conclude that since the election is over and with the political turmoil in Obama's home base of Chicago, that throwing Sarah Palin under the bus would grow old. You would be wrong. Insane accusations about her family continue to be investigated, and she continues to be attacked.

During the campaign, the media scolded us about how inexperienced Palin is, although as a sitting Governor and former Mayor she is more experienced than President Select Obama, or Caroline Kennedy for that matter. The relentless attacking of Palin by the media and other pundits indicates to me they are very afraid of her.

Palin has decided to speak out, and many think it is a bad move, including outlets on the right. I think it is wise to for her to be on the record and for her to call out the media on the vicious way they treated her and their love affair with Obama. I am looking forward to Bernie Goldberg's new book on the subject. Voices in this regard are very important, as apparently, few folks care or they are to stupid to recognize how the media is leading them. Speaking of media influence, I can't wait to hear how the economic news is turning brighter on January 21st.

Take a listen to Palin's comments:

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