Of particular note this season is drama found right out of the gate in episode 1, with Jack Bauer testifying before Congress as he is being brought up on charges of torturing a captive. Please take a view of the opening of this episode, which shows both how lethal the terrorists are and the grilling of Mr. Bauer (2:15 mark) before a congressional panel:
President Bush is routinely hammered for potentially using torture to gather information to keep us safe. I think most on the left, from the pundits to the media members who hammer Bush on this are naive at best. They continue to think appeasement is the avenue of choice. Even some of the cast members agree:
Tony Ward winner Cherry Jones (loved her in Doubt, just fabulous), who plays President Alison Taylor, finds the torture thing "unfortunate" and commented on perceived commonalities with the show and reality by stating her character is "very committed to restoring stability in this country and also the country's reputation around the world, not unlike where we are now."
Left wing activist/loon/actress Janeane Garofalo, who plays an FBI agent this season (to select this marginally talented nutjob with the amount of talented starving actors at the producers disposal, including my wife, fresh from her performance in Passenger 57, is concerning), could hardly wait to offer her nonsense. "That our own administration borrowed ideas from 24 is such a tragedy." She finds torture "reprehensible". On the face of it, so does every sound thinking individual.
But as Bauer offers up in his testimony, "For a combat soldier the difference between success and failure is your ability to adapt to your enemy. The people that I deal with, they don't care about your rules. All they care about is a result. My job is to stop them from accomplishing their objectives. I simply adapt it. In answer to your question, am I above the law? No, sir. I am more than willing to be judged by the people you claim to represent. I will let them decide what price I should pay. Now please do not sit there with that smug look on your face and expect me to regret the decisions that I have made because, sir, the truth is I don't."
And for me, refrain from torture whenever possible, particularly concerning forces from another country. But if you got KSM on the ropes or any other rogue terrorists planning to execute horror on the United States, I am hopeful our armed forces employ and activate a stable full of Jack Bauers. To save a nuclear attack on Houston or prohibit drinking water systems from being infected in the northwest, leave no stone unturned or kneecap unshattered! Whatever it Takes!
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