Steyn was recounting a story from the BBC, and it is a howl. A group of Eco sailors, you know, left wing global warming idiots, were in the midst of a 500 mile trip to Greenland on a boat named the Fleur, aimed to rely on sail, solar and man power. Isn't that nice.
As education systems around the world make efforts to brainwash our children on the horrendous (unproven) plight known as man made global climate change, some 40 schools across the UK were following the progress of the trip.

America, this is not the first group of global warming novice would be Christopher Columbus yachtsman plucked from the sea this year, and although I cannot imagine, it won't be the last. I appreciate the passion, but there is something known as common sense, and it seems foreign to these idiots who are hell bent on being right on this while substantial evidence to the contrary continues to mount.
In an article on Anthony Watt's super climate oriented blog, guest poster William DiPuccio, in an article about ocean heat, quotes Albert Einstein, “No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong.” This is applicable with respect to these alarmists. Anti global warming folks, although stacked with evidence, are labeled as anti-earth while idiots like this continue to fail in proving their ideas while foolish governments fund unnecessary green projects at taxpayers expense.
Maybe Al Gore will solve the housing crisis? He predicts south Florida will be under water next year. That will do away with overhang of inventory in the condos down there in a heartbeat.
Although the sailors were "overwhelmingly relieved to be safe" and gave heartfelt thanks to the coastguards for their professionalism as well as to the outstanding captain and crew of the Overseas Yellowstone," they should not have attempted such a bold expedition with unproven power options resulting in them needing rescue.
Mother Ocean is boss, as many a man has found out the hard way over time. So is man made progress, and the industrialization of modern technology, including fossil fuel. With that in mind, in the mother of all irony, the rescuing vessel, the Overseas Yellowstone, was as God wanted it, an oil tanker.
God Bless America!
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