Since answering a question from the heart about gay marriage from a gay marriage activist nut case with a personal agenda, Prejean has been viciously attacked, beginning with a tirade from the activist judge on his website and astonishingly continuing from numerous sources across the globe.
Semi-nude pictures were published, but beyond the publishing of these pictures, the publishers went out their way to lambaste Prejean. First up to bat was The Dirty.com, followed by TMZ.com. "Bible Thumper", "Sinner" and "homophobic debutante" were among the verbal jabs.
Well, I hate to break to it these publishers and all the other proclaimers of hate against folks engaging their freedom of speech. This is America, and some of us do not support your cause, feel free to speak against you and will continue to do so while you firebomb us with your hate. Meanwhile, your antics are winning the hearts and minds of just about nobody.
Instead of hammering Miss California, maybe you could learn something from her.
I think Miss Prejean has quite a future ahead of her. As Trump said, she is quite beautiful and I grow more impressed with her after every public appearance she makes!
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