Monday, August 31, 2009

The Beatles Got It, So Should You!

Glenn Beck of FOX News presented week long series titled Reasonable Questions for Unreasonable Times. I sincerely hope you were able to catch this vitally important series. If you missed it, please visit Glenn Beck clips where you can watch each segment.

We all owe Glenn Beck a debt of gratitude. Beck has put his career, and health, on the line to orchestrate delivery of information of critical importance about this administration very few other media outlets will touch. Yes, Investors Business Daily is outstanding, Michelle Malkin and blogs like Gateway Pundit are stellar while Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity play their roles, but Beck has attacked and outlined these issues with his well researched unique delivery and top notch wit.

In the following segment, Beck fired lyrics from the greatest band ever, The Beatles, in demonstrating the restraint against progressivism not displayed by the Obama administration. Take a listen:

Beck comments that the Beatles got it, quoting from "Revolution"

"You say you want a revolution.
Well, you know,
We all want to change the world.

You say you'll change the Constitution,
Well, you know,
We all want to change your head.

You tell me it's the institution,
Well, you know,
You better free your mind instead.

But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao,
You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow.

Don't you know know it's gonna be all right."


I'll take it a step further by remembering the George Harrison Revolver classic "Tax Man" and posing a few questions of my own.

Should US tax dollars be going to minds that hate like ACORN, masters of civil disobedience?

Certainly, the Census should not be operated by this group, should it?

With an economy on the ropes, is it appropriate to "skyrocket energy taxes" and potentially tax stock market trades, hampering investment yet again?

Members of Congress are failing to read proposed legislation, never mind voting on bills yet to be crafted. Forget voting on some agreed upon principles written by some left wing looters, fire us the details for we would all love to see the plan? Nice transparency on you!

Who is for making September 11 a day of service, trying to mask the horror we all dealt with on that horrific day?

I could go on and on. One thing is clear. Thanks in part to Glenn Beck, Americans are waking up in droves to the fraud committed against them. In fact, there is a non-transparent revolution presently going on against free market capitalism and the Constitution. America has found out!

The revolution? Let me tell you how it will be! I hear Americans now! Like we told you before, NO, "You Can't Do That"

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