Saturday, August 1, 2009

Thugs Attack America From Within

Unfortunately, the extreme seriousness of the issues take away the humor in the debacle of the Cash For Clunkers program, which is broke after one week.

How anyone could seriously advocate the government taking over our health care system is beyond any sound thinking. Not only have they demonstrated their inability to maintain solvency in most if not all programs, there appears to be a more sinister objective. Check out the provision discovered in the Cash For Clunkers program and listen to the discussion with Glenn Beck, Jonah Goldberg and the very lovely Kimberly Guilfoyle :

And to think people were pissed at Bush for the Patriot Act. Where are these people now?

This government is operating like the mafia. If you oppose them, they crush you. Look to the GM and Chrysler car dealers for an example. Among those who provide checks and balances on the actions of the government are the Inspectors General. Remember Gerald Walpin?

Isn't it just great to have 35+ Tsars who answer to the President and are not accountable to the people?

In an outstanding editorial in Investors Business Daily, Michael Barrone gives us a pre-election glimpse of what we are in for. Not enough people were listening.

There are a few in Washington sounding the alarms now, including Darrell Issa, R:CA and Michele Bachmann, R:MN.

While making rousing speeches seemingly daily where crowds are just tickled pink, Obama is doing exactly what he said he would do; Remaking America. Most of the cheering crowds did not get it in the campaign and although many eyes have been opened, most are still asleep.

It is critically important that America opens her eyes and registers the actions of this group of thugs, operating through arms of soldiers like ACORN, kings of civil disobedience. Time is running out as the administration is in a race to pass legislation before most recognize what is going on.

As evidenced by his apology tour, Obama thinks America needs to be different. I reject Obama and his path to remake America, as I am mighty proud to be an American!

See ya at the next tea party!

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