Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Radical Influences Revisited

President Obama encouraged the electorate to seek out those he associates with to learn more about his character. For many, Obama's speech on race in Philadelphia put to rest all his associations with the likes of Bill Ayers, a unrepentant terrorist, and the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, a conveyor of hate speech. Obama was surprisingly able to convince many, but it seems now that it was a lie as we observe who he has placed positions of power.

When Obama was putting together his cabinet, it seemed he was making an effort to seek out a bipartisan team. While it seemed admirable, it was a hoax as it was not immediately apparent he would assemble a team of almost 50 Czars, answerable to only him and not the Congress. In reviewing the background of many of these folks, their ideology is quite radical signaling a major problem most of the electorate are not even aware of.

Please take a few minutes (lengthy but crucial to hear) to learn about one of the new Czars Obama has placed on his team, Van Jones. His opinions are quite scary, and miles from mainstream America.


Where is the major media on this? Apparently, few if any in Congress are concerned about these folks? Obviously, this means it is the people who will have to take control.

President Obama is being disingenuous with the public at best! Why is he assembling this team of radicals? Indeed, is he planning a transformation of America as he stated five days before the election with a crowd of morons cheering him on?

It is vitally important America wake up immediately. Please tell your neighbors.

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