Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Exposing of ACORN Exposes Media

Thankfully, behind Glenn Beck, Andrew Breibart and the new Woodward and Bernstein, James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles, ACORN has blown up. I have previously blasted ACORN on this blog on numerous occasions, labeling them as the criminal enterprise portal they are.

It seems hard to believe anyone with a lick of common sense could have not recognized the significant problems with ACORN, but leave it to our media. It is far time to call them out, and Bill O'Reilly does just that.

What on earth is ABC News pointman Charlie Gibson thinking? Remember, Gibson hammered Sarah Palin about being not well read, and he has not a clue about ACORN? In his own words! Oh good heavens! I had occasion to meet Mr. Gibson at GMA, and he could not have been kinder. But, he should retire to sailing and leave the journalism part to people who take the responsibility seriously. And, if Sarah Palin has failed to be up to speed on current events, and she has not, what would we be left to conclude for someone charged to be engaged in the news of the day to be so uninformed? Media bias?

Glenn Beck finally broke down and called the media complicit in using the news divisions as arms of the current administration. Beck, as usual, is correct. I always thought the news media, or essentially the network news divisons and the major daily newspapers, had a repsonsibility to the citizenry to provide checks and balances of our elected government. Just the facts.

If those days ever existed, they are gone. Hannah and James for the next Pulitzer!

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