Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Media Clueless or Complicit?

If you get your news from the local stations, the big three networks, the newspaper of failing to record or General EcKletics PMSNBC, you have no clue about the pulse of our country. Please see the following story recently presented on FOX News for an example:

This would be quite a hoot if it were not so serious. Has the media become nothing but propaganda or is it even worse. Unfortunately, I am increasingly concluding that several media outlets are in fact promoting their agendas rather than simply forwarding an accurate description of who, what, where and when. Why may be a matter of opinion, and that can be discussed at the proper time.

When Obama spoke at his inaugural, there were several million stellar citizens who came to witness the speech. See this diagram presented stellar blog GATEWAY PUNDIT about the crowd size and the the march on 9-12 happened a few weeks back, some 40,000 uptight racists converged on DC to spout hate.

I remember a caller to the Glenn Beck radio program a few years back spoke of being at a Neil Boortz Fair Tax rally in Atlanta, where it was estimated about ten thousand attended. He came home and turned on CNN and found himself shown in video attending a anti-war rally, which was indeed taking place adjacent to the fair tax rally but only drawing about 1/20th of the crowd. The gentlemen was incensed that he was identified at being at the wrong rally. Media distortion or an error? No error, I can assure you. Beck further commented that the historical record may be in danger of being deliberately distorted by media powers. I fear Beck is yet again, correct.

Don't be led down a road of untruths. Seek out the truth and be informed. We can disagree about policy items until the cows come home, but lets not let the facts become erased from the record. We owe our children to preserve history, good and bad.

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