Thursday, February 25, 2010

An Orchestrated Event

There is plenty of buzz surrounding a new documentary to be released in the coming weeks exploring the roots and causes of the financial meltdown. The documentary, Generation Zero, presented by Citizens United Productions, is an eye opening account which should be a mandatory homework assignment for all Americans. Take a look at the trailer.

This film is about a crisis – one that is as profound as The Revolution, The Civil War, or The Great Depression and WWII,” said awarding winning director Stephen Bannon. “The title ‘Generation Zero’ is ironic, as it refers to both the Baby Boomers and the generation born today: the one generation whose greed and fiscal mismanagement has destroyed the financial legacy and inheritance of the other.”

This film was recently presented at CPAC and left a standing room only crowd spellbound. Among the commentators in the film are BAHL's Blog favorites Steve Moore, Larry Kudlow and Amity Shlaes, author of The Forgotten Man, another must read.

Similar to business cycles, there is much to be learned from the behavior of generations, both from psychological and investor perspective. Harry Dent, author of The Roaring 2000's Investor, through his demographic-based economic forecasting, has done some good work in this arena.

This economic meltdown is not an accident, but rather an orchestrated event. Anti capitalistic big government activists, and the current administration is full of them from the top down, have been setting themselves up for decades hoping for a crisis to occur that would present a window of opportunity for them to advance their socialistic agenda. With the housing crisis, assisted in creation by ACORN and their thugs, they got their perfect storm. Remember "you never want a serious crisis to go to waste"?

The economic problems this nation faces are quite critical, and coupled with the moves being made by our elected officials, are extremely dangerous. Beyond the economic issues, the crisis is a matter of national security. It is imperative that the American people clearly understand how this occurred in order to take proper action against those responsible and in an effort to right the wrongs. Generation Zero is a powerful tool in this regard.


Budah said...

Based on excerpts, this looks like a powerful documentary. Is it being released to theaters (a la Michael Moore)? It needs a wide audience.

Budah said...

Bahl - I posted this on Facebook and Twitter.