Sunday, February 21, 2010

Obama's ACORN a Cancer on Prosperity

As we sit in the midst of a housing crisis of unprecedented magnitude, one of the main culprits, ACORN, has essentially gotten a pass from our governmental officials and the mainstream media.

While bank executives have been targeted and vilified by Congressional committees and our President, it took a couple of young aspiring journalists posing as a pimp and prostitute to get the government to take notice of ACORN. The aftermath of that caused some politicians to distance themselves from the organization while others blatantly vocalized their support. Others, including a former ACORN lawyer, lied to the American people about the extent of their relationship with the organization: President Barack Obama.

A handful of politicians have been doing everything they can to expose this organization of corruption and civil disobedience, including Representatives Michele Bachmann (R:MN) and Darrell Issa (R:CA), ranking reform member of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Issa released a statement and the following video, which is in full scale contradiction to the public comments made by Obama on the campaign trail. Take a listen:


After being exposed, ACORN was temporarily cut off from receiving any funding from the government until last Halloween, when business as usual picked up where it left off. And that in itself is most troubling.

ACORN, who has been charged with voter fraud, was complicit in the housing crisis by shaking down banks and intimidating them to lend to less than desirable borrowers. Forcibly interfering in the marketplace through intimidation, fraud and civil disobedience by ACORN and unions such as SEIU are purported to be of benefit to our communities, but in fact are a cancer on growth and prosperity due to the inefficiencies they create and legalities they flirt with violating.

Among the young attorneys fighting the banks on behalf of ACORN was Barack Obama. During the rise of Obama to the office of the Presidency, as the negative publicity swirled around ACORN, Obama skirted the truth at best in describing to the American people his relationship with the community organization. In fact, since his election, Andy Stern of SEIU is reported to be the most frequent visitor to the White House.

While Obama publicly ridicules bank presidents and Wall Street firms for their role in the crisis, and they do have one, he fails to take responsibility for his voting record and the role organizations he supports had. Obama is, to be kind, disingenuous with the American people, and if you have not seen through his lack of honesty and transparency as of yet, perhaps you will now.

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