While her delivery was not as sharp as it has been in the past, her message is spot on regarding the state of our union under the leadership, or lack thereof, of President Obama.
Although the left thinks Palin lacks intelligence and is a complete non-factor in the political world, the moonbat pundits immediately scrambled to unleash attacks on every venue possible. Among of the outlets that caught my eye were The Colbert Report, the despicable Joy Behar on HLN, who made the mistake of inviting Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs, who slapped Behar and guest Ron Reagan around something silly and Time Magazine's Joe Klein, who thinks he is much smarter than those in the flyover states.
Klein has had it in for Palin since she emerged on the scene and wasted no time in continuing his attacks after her speech. Glenn Beck took time out, in his brilliant wit, to put the elitist Klein in his place. Check this out:
Centerpiece in the attacks is that Sarah Palin wrote some notes on the inside of her hand, which, of course, to the Obamabots, confirms her idiocy. Pay no mind that Obama travels with truckloads of teleprompters, even recently using them to speak to group of elementary school children.

While the left wing elites and moonbats are basking in the glory of the Obama administration trainwreck, many of those they despise will gathered Sunday afternoon in front of FOX television or live in person, including me, at The World Center of Racing, Daytona International Speedway, for the running of the Great American Race, the Daytona 500. An invited speaker will address the drivers at the pre-race drivers meeting: Sarah Palin.
No doubt that the NASCAR nation, comprised of a swath of America from large corporations to small business owners, will welcome Palin and hope she enjoys the good ole boys at the high banks when they cut them loose. Talk about a real scramble!
1 comment:
Thanks for posting that, my memory on my DVR got filled up and I missed it. Great stuff.
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