Is there a need for this type of organization? What purposes does the President envision for this organization? What is the makeup of the individuals who will staff this organization? Who is the organization accountable to? These are just a few of the many questions I have. Glenn Beck, fellow sick twisted freak, has some questions as well:
I have found this administration untrustworthy, and find the announcement of the formation of the "Ready Reserve Corps" to be most troubling. You become an instant candidate for the Anti-Christ if in any way you were to compare Obama to Adloph Hitler, but did Hitler not form a civilian army which morphed into the SS?
I am not going there, yet, but I do see the potential for members of civil disobedience groups like ACORN or union thugs from SEIU staffing the Reserve Coprs. Will the Apollo Alliance, who astonishingly helped craft the stimulus bill, be part of the creative team? Of course, the NY division of Apollo is headed by Weather Underground co-founder, along with Obama's favorite unrepentant terrorist William Ayers, Jeff Jones. As reported by Atlas Shrugs, they have already began recruiting veterans to help launch an “Operation Free” campaign that has veterans touring the country to call for federal action on climate change, which is perhaps the greatest hoax of all time. I could easily see former Green Jobs Czar Van Jones running point on this!
As alarming as this is, the organization is not set up to be accountable to American people through Congress, but only to the President. See the following:
3) APPOINTMENT.—Commissioned officers of the Ready Reserve Corps shall be appointed by the President and commissioned officers of the Regular Corps shall be appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate.
Source pg 1312
On top of it all, the provision, and the entire Health Care Reform Bill for that mater, may in fact be unconstitutional. Judge Andrew Napolitano of FOX News discusses the action on FOX Business Network's Happy Hour with Tracey Byrnes, Eric Bolling and Cody Willard. Take a listen:
So we have the Ready Reserve Corps, a domestic army formed to operate at the discretion of the President to be used for domestic purposes accountable only to the President. For what reason? Who is the enemy of the armed Reserve Corps? I sure hope it is not me and my fellow Tea Party Patriots!
1 comment:
OMG! the man berries of this pres and the dems in congress. To creat an army, or whatever you want to call it, out of thin air, God helps all.
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