Thursday, April 15, 2010

Let BHO Tell You How It Will Be

Bararck Obama said he would not raise taxes on anyone making over $250K annually. You Lie!

I do not make over $250K annually but with the passage of the health care bill few if any legislators read, my taxes are going up.

After inheriting the deficits from prior administration's, this administration has reacted to a bubble bursting by making all the wrong moves and exponentially escalating the debt in an immoral fashion. How will this be paid for? Not only will our children and grandchildren be saddled with it, so will we. Our taxes are going up!

Once America wakes up and sends this Marxist leader we have to the Center for American Progress, it will likely take America moving to the Fair Tax or a straight flat tax of say 15% to get us back on track.

Don't get me started on the some 47% who do not pay taxes and get handouts from the government.

In the meantime, for your listening pleasure, George Harrison performs his Beatles composition from the Revolver album along with Eric Clapton:

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