Sunday, April 18, 2010

USA Should Continue to Carry Big Stick

Get a load of this inexplicable commentary from our President, Barack Obama:

"Whether we like it or not, we remain a dominant military superpower." You damn right we are and , not withstanding your efforts, remain a superpower, and we quite like it! And all those tyrants around the world you bow to had better not forget it.

Sarah Palin made commentary on the subject on her Facebook page, and I am still wondering when she may be incorrect in analysis of this administration.

As is often the case these days, I am reminded of the words of Ronald Reagan. "Of the four wars in my lifetime, none came about because the U.S. was too strong"-- Ronald Reagan

It would certainly seem that President Obama, on his march to socialism and the global collective, does not support America's position as a leader, either economically or militarily. Through his transformative efforts, he seems partial to the redistribution of not only the personal wealth of Americans, but the wealth of America to other nations he deems were at a competitive disadvantage due to the American capitalistic system. He is grossly in error, and seemingly is lost on American exceptionalism.

The progressive steps that Obama is taking place our country in great peril, with respect to both national security and the economic playing field. In both instances, these are most dangerous times, and unfortunately, it appears Obama is on the wrong side of another Reagan thought: We win you lose!

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