Sunday, April 11, 2010

Voight Speaks The Unfortunate Truth

On FNC's Mike Huckabee program, Actor Jon Voight read a personal letter regarding the first year of the Obama administration and how disastrous it is to America.

Nicolas Sarcozy of France thinks Obama is insane says European Union Times

Familiarize yourself with the Cloward & Piven Strategy, which is socialist in nature and aims to crash the capitalistic system by overloading it with bureaucracy. This strategy, clearly, is currently being implemented by the Obama administration.

Take a few moments to get a handle on Saul Alinsky, author of Rules for Radicals, who many Democrats label a hero, including MSNBC host Chris Matthews.

Alinsky tactics were practiced all throughout the 2008 campaign and continue as we speak. The narrative being put out regarding the tea party patriots is a solid example. With thousands of tea parties all across the fruited plain over the past year, there has been no violence committed by tea party participants.

There has been violence from those against the tea partiers, including this example of SEIU thugs in action. With many tea parties scheduled as we approach tax day, the word has been put out for leftist Alinskyites to use civil disobedience, made famous by ACORN, to try to create a disturbance. Nancy Pelosi led by example walking through protesters on way to voting on the health care bill in an effort to create a disturbance, and when one did not occur, made one up. This was an effort to set up the tea partiers, with the media complicit in compliance.

It is most unfortunate we are at this place in American history, and I whole heartily share the concern and conclusions expressed by Mr. Voight. I will be in attendance at the Orlando Tea Party this week with eyes, and video, wide open. For as Thomas Jefferson said, "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."
HT/Gateway Pundit

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