Monday, April 19, 2010

Left Aims to Incite Violence

Geraldo Rivera joined most of the other media outlets in an attempt to smear the tea party patriots across this great land on his program Geraldo at Large on Saturday night, and in a follow up interview, Tea Party Express Chairman Mark Williams let him have it. Take a listen:

Rivera acted like he had no idea what Williams was speaking of. Geraldo is therefore either an idiot or is lying about the piece he presented. Did you guess both?

The story in question, which I heard live in its entirety, was for sure a hit piece. Geraldo's brother Craig held an interview with the some chap from the Southern Poverty Law Center in an effort to conflate (ADD MOMENT: don't you just love the new popularity of this word) radical militia groups with the tea partiers and label the tea party participants as angry white racists. Why? For the Obama administration, and progressives in Congress, the tea party is an unexpected problem, and a huge one at that. Therefore, even though they represent middle America and have exhibited zero violence in the thousands of rallies they have held over the past year, they must be discredited.

Certainly, the usual suspects are marching in lock step in the effort to plant the negative narrative about the tea party patriots. Did you hear former President Bill Clinton, as we honor victims on the weekend of the fifteenth anniversary of the Oklahoma city bombing, sound off? How about the deplorable efforts by NBC News. FOX & Friends filed a decent report:

H/T HotAirPundit

NBC News Chris Matthews provided an outlet for Kathleen Parker, a fellow FSU graduate who should really be ashamed of herself, and Time Magazine's Joe Klein to weigh in. Not be left out, CBS News got a late start.

Geraldo came back with further insults to the tea party on his Sunday evening show, interupting a report by the lovely Kimberly Guilfoyle.

video via Gateway Pundit

Understand what is taking place. The Tea Party movement has those in power petrified and fierce and overwhelming steps must be taken to discredit the movement, including putting forth a narrative that paints the movement as radical, even if it is only the good, hard working taxpayers of America. This is despicable behavior by our leaders and the mainstream media, as it appears from their actions they are trying to incite violence.

Martin Luther King, JR would be appalled! So is middle America, and so am I!


Unknown said...

You really should just stop watching Gerry Rivers. If I am watching FNC and his mug makes an appearance, it is an instant channel change. I'm not sure how he fits in on that vast right wing conspiracy at FNC.

Unknown said...

On a broader note, it is sad and pathetic how the lame stream media has treated the Tea Party participants. I don't recall all this hand wringing in 1999 at the G8 summit in Seattle, or even at Pittsburgh last year. And Billy Jeff was his usual self this weekend attempting to tie the Tea Parties to Tim McVeigh. What a crazy mixed up world we live in now.