Monday, October 11, 2010

Shut Down Slow Creep of Socialism

In 1961, Ronald Reagan quoted Norman Thomas, a six time Congressional candidate on the Socialist ticket, who said “The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism,’ they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened".

If you think it cannot happen today, check out this great video produced by Ben Howe:

It is happening, as President Obama and the Progressives in Congress have implemented efforts to control private business salaries, taken over 2 of the 3 major US car companies, several major banking institutions, enacted the nationalization of the student loan and home mortgage industries (personally punching my nose daily) and governed with complete disregard for contract law (GM bondholders).

And then there is the health care plan, which contains provisions for a 3.8% tax increase on capital gains, inclusive of passive income, which includes rental income. Reagan, in 1961 mind you, spoke at length about how government will use socialized medicine as a vehicle towards socialism and the transformation of wealth. Reagan, as usual, is right, particularly in this speech, which much of could have been made six months ago. Take a listen:

Five days prior to taking office, President Obama spoke of transforming the United States of America. He is doing just that, bringing socialism to our citizens in a slow creep, which must be stopped immediately. Free market capitalism remains the best path to prosperity, both economically and morally. In wondering had become of discussions of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, Benjamin Franklin was asked what we got? Franklin promptly replied, "A Republic, if you can keep it".

I got a news flash for you. We are presently in a dogfight to keep it, and thwarting those who seek to transform our system at the ballot box in November is critically important.

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