Thursday, October 14, 2010

A New American Revolution

Indeed, elections have consequences. We are two years into the Obama administration and in almost every measure, it has been a historic failure.

Obamabots will point to what they consider successes, such as the health care bill and the stimulus package. Considering, as indicated by a series of poll results, the majority of Americans are against both actions, it seems clear that these are not successes but failures.

Promised transparency instantly evaporated. An appraisal of the down low dirty dealing necessary to pass the health care bill indicates a disregard for principled leadership, and evidence suggests that Obama is governing on his own Progressive mindset and against the will of the American people.

With Obama's transformation of America in full gear, it did not come as a surprise that Americans who believe in the first principles and free market capitalism almost immediately rose up to stand firmly against this attack on our values and principles.

Among the movements born out this assault were the 9-12 groups and the Tea Party movement, which grew into an election altering mass. The growing number of Americans that align with these groups, and those appalled at Obama and his arrogant thugocracy are about to be heard. November 2 is fast approaching, and it is near time to swing a big stick at the ballot box.

Americans voted for change, but not to change America. A coming landslide will take many who helped this progressive transformation down, but the effort to cleanse our governing houses will unfortunately be far from over. Too many in Washington, on both sides, lack respect for small business working America and embrace the power and progressive policies that have been slow creeping for decades.

Ronald Reagan once said "We could say they spend like drunken sailors, but that would be unfair to drunken sailors. Drunken Sailors are spending their OWN money". Obviously, this mindset went on steroids in the first half of the Obama administration, and in part due to this lack respect of the citizenry, A Battle for America is looming, one free market capitalists are prepared to win. Our founders would want it that way.

I live in the south, and I'll take some sugar with my TEA!

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