I have already proclaimed I will not be supporting any Democratic candidates. However, given my vast readership all across the fruited plain, I felt compelled to issue a voters guide, highlighting in no particular order eight individuals that in no way deserve your vote. No need to consult your Magic 8 ball, just read on.
California's Barbara Boxer.
Among the most arrogant moon bat leftists around, Boxer harbors a complete disdain for the US military, as do most on the left. An exchange Boxer had with Brigadier General Micheal Walsh earlier this year should give clear indication that even if you subscribe to her positions, you cannot allow this level of arrogance to have governing power: Please review:
Connecticut's Richard Bluementhal.
Not only did this guy lie repeatedly about his military service before being caught, as AG of Connecticut he launched a government assault on AIG workers, without being able to cite under which law he had the power to act. Again, the lack principles that would allow an acting attorney general to act without understanding his governing authority displays an incompetent official drunk on his power. An interview with Glenn Beck is simply astonishing:
New York's Andrew Cuomo.
I could go on for days about this individual. As NY AG Cuomo felt compelled to act in response to the national housing crisis by spearheading the HVCC Home Code of Conduct, which has destroyed the residential real estate appraisal business. Even CNBC's Jim Cramer sounded the alarm about Cuomo's activities in 2007. That Cuomo got the political establishment behind him on this is mind boggling, since, as outlined by Doug Ross in an outstanding compilation of Cuomo's history titled "The Architect of Ruin", Cuomo was a central player in causing the housing crisis. After reading the piece, no sane individual could cast a ballot for him, no matter how crazy Carl Paladino may or may not be. Curtis Sliwa, in very entertaining fashion, throws Cuomo under the bus. Here is Cuomo and HUD Secretary is his own words detailing his involvement in the sub prime crisis.
Nevada Senator Harry Reid.
Nevada is in dire straits as the housing crisis has decimated the state. Meanwhile, as Senate Majority Leader, Reid has been a vocal supporter and leader of the implementation of the socialistic transformation of America under President Obama. During the Bush Administration, this disgraceful idiot found time to degrade our troops, incorrectly call the surge a failure and throw in the towel in the war in Iraq. In his own words:
New York's Charlie Rangel.
For a guy who helped write the tax code, it seems implausible he forgot to pay taxes on several real estate properties he forgot he owned. I own residential real estate properties and would be in the gray bar hotel if I played that game. In yet another sickening display of arrogance, Rangel thinks the rules do not apply to him and is quite content gaming the system in his favor. As if that is not bad enough, his attitude when confronted on these subjects is not becoming a representative of this country. In his own words:
Massachusetts Democratic Congressman Barney Frank.
Perhaps the individual most responsible for the housing crisis is Barney Frank. As Chairman of the House Banking Committee, Frank oversaw the government sponsored entities Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Continuously over the last decade, Frank publicly championed the accomplishments for Fannie & Freddie repeatedly, all the while they were imploding. Since i think we can conclude Frank is not incompetent, one has to wonder if he and his counterpart, Senator Chris Dodd (D:CT), should be in federal lockup. The scandal ridden Frank must be sent packing. Frank's opponent, Sean Bielat, put out this outstanding ad highlighting the timeline:

I voted for Charlie Crist, a Republican, for Governor of Florida. Since his election, a troubling trend of trolling for advancement became apparent as he positioned himself aboard the John McCain bandwagon hoping for the VP slot. Crist, behind his enthusiastic support of McCain, helped the Maverick gain a surprising win in Florida, an unfortunate development in the Florida primary. After the victory of Obama, Crist then openly began supporting Obama policies, most notably the stimulus package, and announced his run for the US Senate. Crist, getting crushed by Marco Rubio in the primary, after pledging not to do so, became an independent and has now targeted the Tea Party members as extremist he will stand against. Well, I stand firmly against him. Fortunately, it appears so does the majority of Florida. Upon losing, I expect Crist to take a spot in the Obama administration, where he belongs, at least until the wind turns east.

I cannot think of a public servant who employs such a disrespectful opinion of, not only his fellow members of Congress, but of his constituency as Grayson. Not only in the course of a campaign, but in everyday action, his rhetoric and decorum is simply disgraceful. Grayson buys into the socialistic policies of Obama and Pelosi, but beyond that, has done nothing but insult those of us here in Central Florida. The first vote I cast on November 2 will be for his opponent, Daniel Webster. Recent news stories indicated the Democratic party has pulled funding from him, declaring his race over. As the Captain said, Can I get an AMEN! Looks like the tenure of Grayson as our Congressman will thankfully die quickly.
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