Wednesday, October 27, 2010

To Tell The Truth

During the course of my daily media viewing, from FOX News to CNBC, I hear political and economic analysts routinely create controversy by out and out lying to the viewers. Certainly, items of discussion like a prediction of the price of a particular stock price in three months has a varinace of opinion. Good luck with that. Those guys are smarter than I am as I don't even know what I am having for lunch tomorrow.

Unfortunately, the rapidly increasing lies go much deeper that what Coca Cola trades at come St. Patricks Day. Take the "established" rhetoric that the Obama administration has created or "saved" some 3 million jobs. Are you trying to kid me? No, you are lying to me. Brent Bozell, founder of The Media Research Center, has had enough:

I have had enough as well. I try to call many of the culprits out here on the blog, but time constraints prohibit me from even scratching the surface. During political season, and we are squarely in the thick of that as we approach the most important election of my lifetime on November 2, a real "Time of Choosing", I want to express to my readers how important it is to know your sources.

From Common Cents Blog comes a blog piece I have been aiming to present on my own for some time, highlighting perhaps your best economic and political source for credible information. It can be found on the pages of Investors Business Daily.

Common Cents Blog says: "The absolute best editorial page you will read is Investor's Business Daily. IBD prints easy-to-read, concise and hard hitting editorials that tout the benefits of free enterprise." A subscriber since 1994, I am in complete agreement with this assertion. Common Cents Blog lists the editorial pieces from Tuesday, October 26, 2010. I added a few they left off, and added commentary on each piece.


ObamaCare: Finding things we don't like in the Democrats' overhaul legislation is becoming an almost daily event. Add to the list the possibility that a provision in the bill could be almost six times more costly than the initial estimate. We need to pass the bill to find out what is in the bill. This is completely lacking in common sense, is insulting and a unfathomable display of arrogance. Did I mention we are broke?

WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction): Iraq War documents released by WikiLeaks show that U.S. forces frequently encountered weapons of mass destruction facilities and specialists. A former president is owed an apology. I find WikiLeaks and its founder disgusting. However, I have and had no doubt Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and that Iran is and continues to be the head of the snake. Thank You President Bush!

Fiscal Responsibility: Facing historic electoral losses, big-spending Democrats have stooped to lying about Rep. Paul Ryan's innovative plan to save Social Security — aided and abetted by the establishment media. While Obama thinks he is the smartest guy in the room, economically, Ryan is. Come November 2, Uncle Same can finally utilize his talents to help us to perhaps regain prosperity again.

Election 2010: Nine days before Americans go to the polls, CBS' "60 Minutes" tells the true story of just how many of them are in the unemployment line. Brother, can you spare a vote? The housing crisis is one created in large measure by government interference and is far from being over. It has so decimated the economy that a extremely serious unemployment situation must now be dealt with prior to any meaningful repair in the housing market.

Islamofascism: O'Reilly, Whoopi and Joy are all wrong. The 9/11 terrorists weren't "Muslim extremists" or just plain "Muslims." A liberal newspaper reporter says they were model Muslims. More precisely, they were "perfect soldiers" for Allah, says Los Angeles Times national correspondent Terry McDermott. I have no idea why anyone would give a rats ass what Whoopi and lack of Joy Behar care about anything. However, watching "The View", which I do not, although I am a Disney (DIS:NYSE) shareholder, gives you a window on what a cancer the progressive mindset is to the founding principles of our nation.

War: With WikiLeaks exposing new U.S. secrets, the worst revelation is that the U.S. is vulnerable. As President Obama obsesses about exiting Iraq and Afghanistan, the leaks show that Iran is taking advantage. The globalist in chief is dangerously naive in global affairs. This is very troubling, and the un-American mindset of Obama is rapidly weakening America. Reagan thought peace through strength was the best course, and I quite agree.

Election '10: Megalomania and chutzpah has been redefined with the Senate majority leader's assertion that without him we'd be in worldwide depression. Unfortunately, he couldn't save his home state of Nevada. Reid thinks that without him, we would be in a worldwide depression. This may well be the most arrogant statement ever. He could not run a lemonade stand, but he thinks he is the Vince Lombardi of creating economic expansion.

On The Left: The Tea Party has no leader. It has no address, no phone and no Washington headquarters. It is everywhere and nowhere. For Barack Obama, the Tea Party is the quintessential asymmetrical enemy, much like the Taliban in Afghanistan. The president stands a chance of losing on both fronts. Leftist moonbat and Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen can't determine who the enemies of Obama are. Cohen and The Post have searched the Tea Party high and low to figure out how one could oppose the brilliance of the anointed one. No need to phone Columbo, Obama's enemies are free market capitalists, and given his statements to a Latino audience yesterday, those who oppose his policies, which is well over half the country.

On The Right: Classic songs from years past are sometimes referred to as "golden oldies." There are political fallacies that have been around for a long time as well. These might be called brass oldies. It certainly takes a lot of brass to keep repeating fallacies that were refuted long ago. Dr. Sowell, a fellow at The Hoover Institute at Stanford, is brilliant and someone who you should become acquainted with. Sowell is dead on in this piece, as we are retracing the steps that put us in The Great Depression. For a more detailed overview, read Amity Shlaes book "The Forgotten Man"

To "Read What Is Really Going On", choose IBD as a trusted source in this arena where many media outlets are sorely lacking in credibility. Then, you will be blinded by the light no more.


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