Saturday, April 23, 2011

West Swinging Big Stick

Florida Congressman Allen West recently visited with FOX News Greta Van Susteren on her show "On The Record" and spoke the truth in calling out the Thug in Chief, President Obama. Take a listen:

In my estimation, West is right on target in his assessment of President Obama. A low level socialist agitator indeed! I appreciate West speaking out, and I wonder why many of the potential GOP candidates are refraining form doing so.

The President continuously dodges the truth, uses Sal Alinsky concepts in his treatment of those in opposition to him and takes actions which are in contrast to his public statements. He is simply disgraceful, and should be soundly defeated in the 2012 campaign.

Speaking of 2012, a recent Gallup poll indicated a tie among potential GOP contenders between Mike Huckabee and Donald Trump.

Mike Huckabee, 16
Donald Trump, 16
Mitt Romney, 13
Sarah Palin, 10
Ron Paul, 6
Newt Gingrich, 6
Michele Bachmann, 4
Mitch Daniels, 3
Tim Pawlenty, 3
Rick Santorum, 2
Haley Barbour, 2
Jon Huntsman, 1
Gary Johnson
Herman Cain

Charles Krauthammer has weighed in on 2012 as well, and I share his holding of Paul Ryan in high regard.

Among these contenders, for me, at this juncture, I'll throw Palin, Bachmann and Santorum in my "A" group. I think Allen West joins fellow Floridian Marco Rubio on the list of future stars on the political horizon. West is not playing games, rather focusing on the truth, which has no agenda. This is the type of individual I hope emerges victorious politically.

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