Under the premise of protecting America's copyrighted material from being stolen, two bills are now before Congress that would give the government the ability to censor prospective violators. The bills, known as the Protect IP Act (PIPA) in the Senate and the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the House, as they are presented, seem innocent enough as everyone wants intellectual property protected.
GOP South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint, one of the good guys, is in opposition. “I support intellectual property rights, but I oppose SOPA & PIPA,” DeMint wrote in a tweet. “They’re misguided bills that will cause more harm than good.”
I fear DeMint may not be aware of the ultimate intent of these measures, which will seize a large chunk of our freedom. Billionaire investor Warren Buffett has always said he will not invest in any company where he does not understand their business model. I understand the business model, and it is nefarious, as is most governmental interaction in regulating the citizenry.
One of the many Czars appointed by President of Obama, who operate outside of congressional oversight, is Marc Lloyd. Lloyd, a disciple of Saul Alinsky, is The FCC Diversity in Chief, and he believes that State control over the media is a necessary vehicle for the social change, or transformation of America, that President Obama seeks. In this video, made before Obama was elected, Lloyd discusses his admiration for "the incredible "Democratic" revolution in Venezuela" under Hugo Chavez where media reform helped implement social change. Social change in the form of a dictatorship. Take a listen, and if you are unfamiliar with Lloyd, sit down first:
With countless examples, this administration is operating outside of our system of checks and balances, seemingly in an effort to match Venezuela in the formation of a Dictatorship. It is clear an imperial presidency is being formed:
This administration should not be trusted, and a line in the sand needs to be drawn on all future regulatory actions put forth for your supposed benefit. Obama will not let any crisis go to waste. In the case of an emergency, when those in charge step forward for your benefit, act in opposition.
Regulations are being implemented as seemingly common sense initiatives that are stealing your freedom. A structure is being built, and when you recognize it, America as you know it will a distant memory, and it will be too late to stop the "Democratic Revolution" Lloyd spoke of.
Join us in calling your Representatives and demanding the government cease the proposed invasive regulations on the free speech of the citizenry via the Internet.
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